- Homepage for the Wine Industry

Account Details

Email: {{}}
No orders or subscriptions on this account.
Credit Card: {{userData.profiles.paymentMethods[0].last4}} {{userData.profiles.paymentMethods[0].expMo}}/{{userData.profiles.paymentMethods[0].expYr}}


Subscriptions are renewed within first 5 business days of expire issue month.
{{}}, {{sub.state}} {{sub.postalCode}} {{}}
{{checkExpired(sub) ? 'Expired' : 'Expire Issue'}}: {{sub.curExpDate | lastIssue}}
CirculationId: {{sub.circulationId}}
AutoRenew: {{['BDAUTO','BFAUTO','BCAUTO'].includes(sub.subCode) ? 'Active' : ['BDOUT','BFOUT','BCOUT'].includes(sub.subCode) ? 'Opt-Out' : 'Deactivated'}} ${{outputCountryPrice(}}/yr

Subscriptions Pending Processing

For order change email support and include order ID.
{{}}, {{order.state}} {{order.postalCode}} {{}}
Order ID: {{order.orderId}}
Order Date: {{order.orderDate | stdDate}}

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Update credit card. This will update all magazine subscriptions linked to your account.
Credit Card: {{userData.profiles.paymentMethods[0].last4}} {{userData.profiles.paymentMethods[0].expMo}}/{{userData.profiles.paymentMethods[0].expYr}}
If you would like to opt out of auto-renew payment, click the Opt Out button below. You will stop receiving issues after your expire issue.
Reactivate auto-renew. Your subscription will renew upon expire to prevent a delivery lapse.
{{}}, {{selectedSub.state}} {{selectedSub.postalCode}} {{}}
Expire Issue: {{selectedSub.curExpDate | lastIssue}}
Credit Card: {{selectedSub.last4}} {{selectedSub.expMo}}/{{selectedSub.expYr}}
CirculationId: {{selectedSub.circulationId}}
Renew now for ${{selectedSub.price}} to add 1 year
{{}}, {{selectedSub.state}} {{selectedSub.postalCode}} {{}}
Expire Issue: {{selectedSub.curExpDate | lastIssue}}
Credit Card: {{selectedSub.last4}} {{selectedSub.expMo}}/{{selectedSub.expYr}}
CirculationId: {{selectedSub.circulationId}}
Update your Wine Business Monthly magazine delivery address. This will not update your profile. Manage your profile here
{{selectedSub.fName}} {{selectedSub.lName}}
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